Develop a permanent decorative luminary plan for your neighborhood! Lighting up your neighborhood requires an ongoing participation in a program to accommodate new homeowners and other situations. HOA Luminaries is the lone experienced source for operating individual neighborhood luminary programs to make sure neighborhoods continue to "grow their glow" into the future.
Improve the feeling of a connected, happy community! Our thoughtful experience is focused on developing a positive opportunity for neighbors to participate together to create additional beauty in the neighborhood. We offer many options for working around sticky situations, like lighting common areas without forcing non-participants into the funding of luminaries in those areas. Another area where we work out the details is a careful plan to help keep neighbors together on a single color and style and lighting source of luminaries. Neighborhood luminaries look their best when everyone is onboard with the same look!
Eliminate the need to collect money from neighbors to buy in! We build a custom ordering page for your neighborhood so neighbors buy directly from us, and in doing so, prevent you from collecting funds personally from anyone. Experience a sample neighborhood luminary page by clicking here. As sales accrue and orders ship, a sales statement follows. See an example by clicking here.
Solidify your investment in your property! A well-organized luminary event for your neighborhood can only help sustain a positive demand for others to want to move in to your neighborhood. Luminary events often help bring new people into your neighborhood to appreciate the qualities your neighborhood has to offer them.
No more problems from using traditional paper luminaries! If you have been using paper luminaries, you are probably familiar with what happens when bad weather moves in. Wet paper luminaries collapse, and typically leave you with a sandy mess to clean up. Also, if you select our electric luminaries, you avoid the higher fire risk associated with candle-lit luminaries.
Rest assured, you are buying the best luminaries on the market today! HOA luminaries offer the only industry-leading 10-year Luminary Warranty on the market today! HOA luminaries are the same luminaries offered by parent-company, FLIC Luminaries.